Make your story settings stand out.

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Settings: 101 Questions for Writers Workbook

Create memorable settings.

The Settings: 101 Questions for Writers Workbook will help you craft memorable settings that your readers will love. The questions will challenge you to think beyond surface settings, give you anchors to use in plotting or editing, and help you explore settings from a professional development angle.

The questions in the workbook come in three areas: in the moment writing, broad setting work, and professional development.

  • In the Moment: find the magic in each setting to make it come alive for the reader.

  • Broad Strokes: use the questions to plot or edit your work to get the most out of your settings.

  • Professional Development: learn your settings strengths so you can apply them and improve from piece to piece.

Print out copies of the digital workbook whenever you want to think through a setting. The questions can be used over and over, with each new work, and as you grow as a writer.